Posts Tagged ‘cat’

Everybody knows the internet is full of cats. It should be called caternet. It doesn’t even matter if they are real cats or cartoons or fiction cats or alien cats :)) Anyhoo, here’s one more proof of that.

Pop music favorites get the kitty cat treatment on the ‘Kitties and Bullsh*t’ Tumblr. Created by Sofia Falcon, the site showcases artwork that uses song lyrics and replaces key words with cat-themed lyrics. As Falcon explains on the blog, “I guess it’s like Al Yankovic, only all about cats.” The illustrations are simple but purrfectly hilarious.


I like pretty cats. Key word: PRETTY. Not all cats are pretty. But some are funny. So very funny! Especially when holding/doing invisible things.

pS:  This post contains almost 50 photos =)) Wooohoooo!