I’m leaving in T- minus 15 days. Exciting & scary as fuck. Taking London by storm ( a short and stuffed storm that is)

Randoms of the day:

George Clooney got married. Haven’t seen the bride’s dress.

Facebook kinda bores me and I’m gonna rant here because it feels intimate.

WordPress changed since the last time I used it. Let’s get reacquainted, bitch!

I love swearing.

And now I’m gonna press publish. Woop woop!

Where’s my cat at? hooo hah!Imagea

Suck on this! :)) A gallery of princesses from fairy tales living in the real world. Photos taken by  photographer Dina Goldstein.


A Bulgarian baker was arrested after serving cocaine-sprinkled cookies to guests at a Greek funeral, news website Novinite reported Wednesday.

Mourners phoned for help after the traditional Greek cookies caused them to act strangely, and police discovered the cookies were sprinkled with cocaine instead of powdered sugar.

The baker, who is a Bulgarian national, was involved in drug trafficking and sent the cookies to the funeral service by mistake, police said.

Police later raided the gang running the cookie operation, and seized 60 kilograms of cocaine.

Why hide it, if you’re Hunter S. Thompson, you write a $ 2 million check and you write “Cocaine” in the memo field. 🙂





… as in a post-it art war which has been going on in France between the Ubisoft HQ and a bank across the street since July. And its getting artistic and weird.

Below is some of the action that is going on in France, and some simpler pieces that are popping up at this Tumblr, Post’It War.

A series of comparisons between the classic pinup girls and photos that have served as models for achieving them.

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In March 2011, artist Candy Chang has launched a public art project inviting passers by to chalk their own ending to the sentence: “Before I die I want to …” on a disused building in New Orleans that has been transformed into a giant chalkboard.

Before I Die” started life as part of an exhibition called Freeriding, by Subtext Projects in a gallery before taking to the streets. Chang selected a large, boarded-up corner building in New Orleans to transform into an enormous blackboard.

She recruited a gang of friends to help her to daub the building in chalkboard paint and then stencil the first part of the phrase over and over again onto each wall. Chalk holders attached to the wall meant that passers by could immediately pick up a piece of chalk to add their own aspirations. Responses ranged from the humorous to the profound, including “be a YouTube sensation”, “go 200 mph” and “be completely myself.”Chang was “blown away” by the outpouring of responses. The entire wall was filled out within 24 hours. Some of her favorite responses include “Before I die, I want to eat a salad with an alien” and “before I die I want to marry this person,” accompanied by an arrow pointing to the last response.